Joe Herbert is the son of a NASA aerospace engineer. He learned an appreciation for aviation at an early age, attending numerous shuttle launches with his dad.
Herbert chose to buck the family trend of engineering, and attended the Art Institute of Colorado where he graduated a winner of the Par Excellence Portfolio. He partnered in founding a successful production company, and quickly specialized in drone cinematography.
He returned to his engineering roots and started building his own drones, drawn to the brand new sport of drone racing.
As an avid racer, he attended competitions around the world, and with his production experience it was easy to see what was holding the sport back. The pilots are phenomenal, investment and sponsorship is pouring in, but the sport is failing to catch on. The problem is that the tiny racing drones are not visible to spectators, and certainly don’t translate well to the screen. If it’s going to work live, everything needs to be much bigger.
He spent the next three years cultivating relationships in the drone industry, and has spent thousands of hours overseeing development in the lab. The result is the Titan GFD platform: the fastest, most sophisticated, most robust giant racing drone in the world.