Adrian Taverner is perhaps best known for his production and post work with Cut Action Media in New York. Since 2007 he has been writing, lighting, shooting, recording and mixing for global brands like Redken and L’Oréal.
He has always been aggressive about learning production, and has earned a reputation for craftsmanship. He got started in Vancouver, working on the sets of more shows than he knows how to count. He was a key PA, a grip, a location sound recordist, and even a special effects assistant. He also worked audio post for shows like Da Vinci’s City Hall and Intelligence, and was a voice actor for X-Files, Andromeda, and Stargate: Atlantis.
Since moving to New York, he has spearheaded website and app development on top of his production and post work for CAM and its parent company Fuel Productions. Multimedia production all day, every day. His creativity cannot be contained, however. Together with writing partner Lee Baran, he is working on a myriad of projects for film, television, and streaming, including Humanity, Meridian, Almost Broken, and Shoot This.
For Taverner, Titan Major League Drone Racing is the big, hairy, audacious producer’s dream. While shooting his first drone race in 2016 with Joe, Lee, and Joel, he knew without a doubt what the fledgling sport was missing. With his partners, he is committed to realizing the vision of professionally organized, team-driven, LIVE giant drone racing.